Phase 2

CRE Phase 2 Map

Cambridge Road Estate

In July 2022, a hybrid planning permission was granted for the regeneration masterplan (Planning Reference: 20/02942/FUL), including detailed plans for Phase 1, and outline plans for Phases 2–5, to deliver 2,170 new homes.

We are now using what we have learned so far to prepare detailed designs for Phase 2. Later this year, we will be submitting a Reserved Matters Application (RMA) for Phase 2 to the Local Planning Authority.

The Outline Planning Permission sets the rules for where buildings go, how tall they can be, and what they are used for. Now, we are focusing on the look and feel of the buildings, getting the size right, and planning the planting and landscaping.

We would like to work with residents as we progress the plans for Phase 2. We look forward to hearing your thoughts over the coming months.

A Reserved Matters Application (RMA) follows a successful Outline Planning Permission. It focuses on the finer details of the development that the Outline Planning Permission does not include, such as detailed designs of building layouts, materials used throughout buildings, and landscaping. These details are then submitted for approval to the Local Planning Authority before construction can begin.

Therefore, an RMA is necessary to allow us to start building new homes in Phase 2. Now, we will be focusing on the details of the buildings and landscaping, and we will need your input.

How to get involved

We’d like to bring you up to speed on our engagement plans for Phase 2 and hear what you think. We will be holding two community drop-in sessions at the Archway Parish Rooms, Washington Road, Kingston upon Thames, KT1 3JL on:

Saturday 13th July, 2:30 pm – 5:30 pm
Thursday 18th July, 3:30 pm – 7:30 pm

If you can’t attend the in-person events, we will be hosting an online session on Microsoft Teams on Monday 22nd July, 7:00pm – 8:00pm. You can join this webinar online, whether you have a Microsoft Teams account or not. Click here to register.

Information presented at these events will be available to view on this webpage after the events, alongside a feedback survey where you can share your thoughts.

Kanda Consulting has been appointed to support Kingston Council and Countryside with consultation and engagement on the Phase 2 RMA.

Sign up here for information and updates about the regeneration.